lake forest shores

Condo Living in the City of Lake Forest

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It's the good, the bad and the ugly! The one place to read about what is happening at Lake Forest Shores. If you have anything to share, please use the contact form for it to be considered.

Paving the Way

June 27, 2023

Hear ye, hear ye! We all know that potholes plagued our streets in 2023 due to the high amounts of rain and other external factors throughout time. It's obvious that Lake Forest Shores was not spared, but have no fear our community is expecting road repairs to say "goodbye" to those unsightly cracks and potholes. This will include a slurry seal coating and striping of the parking spaces. It isn't too difficult to notice that our roads need some TLC. Therefore, later in the week you'll start seeing construction taking place.

Below are the projected dates:

Concrete Repair: 6/28
Asphalt Repair: 7/10
Seal Coating/Striping Phase 1: 8/2
Seal Coating/Striping Phase 2: 8/4

AMS Paving has been contracted to do the project and by now, you will have seen painted marks on the asphalt showing areas in need of attention.

Image depicting a colorful uninhabited road.
The next step will be the concrete and asphalt repair, so expect noise if you're going to be staying home during regular business hours. The areas of concern will be blocked off, but attached is a map of the locations.

To view / download map of affected areas, please CLICK HERE.

This is going to be an ongoing project for the next couple months, so please be on the lookout for more information regarding any upcoming work.

Any questions or concerns should be directed to Crummack Huseby.

Update: June 29, 2023

Hmmm... For those expecting to see construction taking place on Wednesday, June 28, 2023; it had been delayed until the following day.

Concrete work at Lake Forest Shores.

Update: July 10, 2023

Great news! The asphalt paving took place and NO MORE pothole. There were a few areas that needed attention and it's all be done. Next, the slurry seal will be applied to fix cracks and help preserve the underlying pavement structure. The project will take place in two (2) phases; August 2nd & 4th. This will include the striping of parking spaces too.

It will be an inconvenience for a short period of time, but please pay attention to the instructions. Absolutely no vehicles will be allowed in the seal coat areas during the drying period. Failure to follow instructions will lead to costly consequences, so think before you act.

If by chance you didn't receive any notices of the upcoming slurry seal project, please download the map and notice to better prepare. In addition, a 48-hour notice will be posted advising of the work to be carried out.

Asphalt paving to fix the potholes.

Update: August 2, 2023

The workers were hard at work in this heat getting the slurry seal applied w/ the striping. By the time 5:00pm came around, the cones blocking the area were removed and the area was accessible. The signs instructed that no one park in the newly surfaced area until 7:00am the next day, but maybe the high temps cured the seal quicker than estimated.

Notice for time duration of when vehicles cannot park
In comparison to the old, the fresh asphalt looks much nicer with the darker surface and newly painted parking space areas.

Showcasing the newly painted parking space and handicap sections.
Here is another look at other parking spaces where the slurry seal and striping had been done. It looks much nicer without the cracks and faded paint lines.

Freshly painted parking spaces.

Update: August 4, 2023

That's it, the beautification of our roads is complete. For convenience, no one had to wait until the following day to park. I'm not sure if it gave the seal enough time to cure, but I'm not the expert. Nonetheless, the roads look much better than before.

Entrance of Lake Forest Shores
A view of the handicap parking that is located at the entrance gates. Hopefully, the brighter blue markings will deter those parking their vehicles in an area marked specifically for those with handicap permits.

Handicap parking marked at the entrance of the gates.
Too bad a seal crack wasn't applied prior to the slurry seal. It could have been done better. Now it looks like someone painted over the cracks...Hahaha!

Newly seals parking area with striping.

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