lake forest shores

Condo Living in the City of Lake Forest

Stay informed of the latest events!

It's the good, the bad and the ugly! The one place to read about what is happening at Lake Forest Shores. If you have anything to share, please use the contact form for it to be considered.

Stop it Already!

December 21, 2022

Omg! Here we go, again! Everywhere you look, prices are soaring higher than Superman could fly himself; gasoline, groceries, clothes, services, utilities, interest rates, airline fares, insurance, transportation and the list goes on. Therefore, it shouldn't be a surprise that our HOA fees were bound to follow in the same direction. Unfortunately, our community gets smacked with a DOUBLE WHAMMY, more often than none, due to our 2nd HOA fees stemming from the Beach and Tennis Club. So combined, plus with everything that is effecting cost increases, it will be a long bumpy road in the years to come.

So what are the increases for 2023? The homepage of the website will be updated on January 1, 2023 with the new fee amounts. For the meantime, if you didn't receive any notification, please see the below:

Lake Forest Shores = $430/month
Beach & Tennis Club = $155/month

Emoji crying at the thought of higher costs.
I guess the good news is that even with the higher increase, Lake Forest Shores doesn't hold the #1 spot for having the most expensive HOA fees in the surrounding neighborhoods, even when combined, but we're a top contender. And as far as the board members making the decision to raise the HOA fees, I did attend one of the board meeting via telephone and it felt as if the Board of Directors tried to do their best in keeping the increase to a minimum; although, $55/month doesn't seem like a subtle cost increase...Ugh!

Anyways, all homeowners should have received a copy of the 2023 Annual Budget Report which states the reason(s) for the increase and it isn't surprising that it has to do with the rising costs of operation expenses and the funding of our reserves. If I read it correctly, based on the report, it seems like the biggest expenses deal with landscaping (not including tree trimming), water usage, management services and the loan interest from the PEX repiping project from 5+ years ago.

One of the smaller items listed on the 2023 Annual Budget Report is the monthly cost of $50 for the Inspector of Elections; in total it is $600 per year. It caught my attention because of the recent "Call for Candidates" letter that was sent for those interested in serving on the Board. To my knowledge, elections are once a year, but I read on the "Call for Candidates" that by having a volunteer it will save on operating costs instead of having to use a third-party Inspector of Elections. Maybe it is a monthly retention cost. Who knows, but I thought it was interesting to see it as an annual expense.

Moving forward, I'm aware that some have complaints / concerns regarding parking. Remember, these matters need to be directed to the property manager at Crummack Huseby, and their contact information can be found on your monthly HOA bill or our contact page. I do understand the frustrations of having to park your vehicle(s) off the premises, yet others seem to get a pass on not having to follow the rules. I've seen my share of parking violations and wondered why there was no enforcement by Courtesy Patrol in dealing with the overnight parking of oversized vehicles, work vehicles and vehicles in areas not designated for parking. In addition, I've often wondered if they spot check and maybe show up on certain nights. Either way, I wouldn't take any chances. Make sure to keep following the parking rules and regulations, and that goes for everyone; including board members.

Unfortunately, rules don't apply to everyone. All residents, especially a board member and/or their guest(s), should NOT be getting a free pass to park overnight anytime they choose; instead of utilizing their garage(s) or parking off the premises. In my opinion, board members should be setting an example for the rest to follow. If rules are bent for one and not others, it can lead to problematic issues.

To my knowledge, board members do not receive perks / benefits for serving; eventhough, I wouldn't oppose it. Being on the board is time consuming and requires dedication to make our community a better place to live. Maybe there are benefits that I'm unaware of, but they need to be disclosed. Nonetheless, I did reach out to Courtesy Patrol to get clarification on our rules when it comes to the safelisting of vehicles:

Safelisting at Lake Forest Shores is 15 days within a 90-day ROLLING WINDOW period. This means, if you safelist for 1 day you have to wait 90 days for that 1 day to be added back to your account. Another example is if you safelist for 7 consecutive days, you count 90 days after each individual day that passes. Eventually, you will gradually have all 7 days added back to your account; one day at a time.

Furthermore, it doesn't matter the number of bedrooms, garages or vehicles. It is 15 days total per condo unit every 90 days as specified above. And in order to get authorization for extended parking, it has to be requested with the property management company which in turn, it will have to be approved by the Board. (Emphasis on certain keywords)

If anything, attend the meetings and express your concern(s) to the board members. That's probably the best way to get their attention on items they may not be aware of.

Still, I will reach out to the property manager to get their feedback. If I get any worthwhile information, I will provide an update in my next post.

And the list of concerns continues regarding residents leasing / renting out their garages to outsiders / nonresidents. Unless there is specific proof, I doubt there is much of anything that the property management company is able to do. The good news is a new implementation with the entry gate could help minimize / deter this type of activity.

As most of you already know, effective January 2, 2023, the access code to enter the gates will no longer be in use. Instead residents will be required to use their remote control opener to enter the premises. Guests / nonresidents will have to use the directory to contact the resident for access. And if you have deliveries, it is most likely the same process. In order for this to work, you will need to contact the property manager to get your name and contact information in the directory.

And here is the BIGGEST news of them all, CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!! I'm always excited about the holiday season and yes, I'm not done with my shopping. If anything, I can appreciate the cooler weather. Especially with the high cost of electricity and the need to run the A/C constantly during the hot summer months, so it is a relief.

Also, CR&R will be scheduling Christmas tree pickups December 26, 2022 - Janurary 6, 2023. That's a limited time, so make sure you get your Christmas tree ready for pick up before the final date. Make sure to remove all of the ornaments, lights, tensil and anything else that you put on the tree for decorations. If the tree is longer than 6 ft. tall, it needs to be cut in half. The tree will be picked up on the day of collection. Lastly, if you miss the collection date, residents can use the bulky items pickup service.

Oh ya, I almost forgot. If you are using an automated payment system through a financial institute to pay your monthly HOA fees, please make sure to update the new payment amount to avoid any late fees/penalties.

And now, let's see what is happening at the Beach & Tennis Club. Oops! It seems I'm a little bit too late in reporting some of the Christmas events. Either way, the good news is that the lobby is always beautifully decorated for the holidays. Stop by and enjoy the ambiance.

Below are the holiday hours:

Christmas Eve - CLOSED @ 12:00pm
Christmas Day - CLOSED (All Day)
New Year's Eve - CLOSED @ 12:00pm
New Year's Day - CLOSED (All Day)

It's been interesting times for everyone, and still we're not sure of what to expect in the upcoming years. I hope for the best, so let's all remain optimistic. Enjoy spending time with your loved ones. Be around friends. Live your life to the fullest or do what makes you happy. After losing someone very special to me this last month, it made me realize that a lot of life's simple pleasures are taken for granted and I'm guilty of it. Let's start being more grateful for all of the things that bring a smile to our faces, the things we take for granted and to those who give us strength, love and a reason to live.


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